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Check out the top 7 trends in human resource consulting

Check out the top 7 trends in human resource consulting

Date : Sep 14, 2020

The most powerful asset any company can have is its workforce. Hence, hiring the right candidates, optimizing their performance in a strategic manner, and retaining the best performers are some of the things that determine the success of a business as a whole. And this is the reason why many forward-thinking companies avail human resource consulting services, to get an expert’s viewpoint and guidance. So, in 2020, if you too are keen to follow that path, find out about the latest trends in this field and how they can help your organization to grow and attain its goals in the best possible way.

  1. Remote working will be in – With more and more people working from home nowadays (because of the flexibility as well as the pandemic), one of the top HR trends will involve managing employee morale and productivity, building community feeling, and resolving concerns regarding remote communication. HR consultants or managers can help you decide how to manage different employees in different time zones and save money by taking up a smaller office space and reducing overhead costs.
  2. Use of advanced technology – Artificial Intelligence is definitely among the popular HR industry trends as it can automate repetitive tasks and make daily operations more efficient and smoother. For instance, an HR manager can use AI to manage employee performance, cross-check education and experience mentioned on resumes, spot employee disengagement, and answer common questions that employees might have. 
  3. Many tasks will get automated – Tasks like recruitment, payroll and records management, employee evaluations and documentation of taxes will become automated to save the HR manager’s time for more important chores. Software solutions will be used to resolve workplace issues, reduce incidents of misconduct and mitigate risks. 
  4. More focus on learning – Among the latest trends in human resource management, emphasis on learning for professional or personal development deserves special mention. That is because employees who are encouraged to learn more feel valued, motivated, and hence, are more productive. So, HR managers and consultants might recommend offering yearly educational stipends or paid time-off for learning.
  5. Inclusion will be a priority – One of the human resource management new trends will be ensuring more diversity and inclusion in a company. HR consultants or managers will focus on this to improve the employee experience, empower them, reduce workplace harassment and make employees feel respected and safe. This will, in turn, lead to better engagement and performance.
  6. Health and care-giving will get due importance – In 2020, human resource consulting will also focus on offering health advocacy programs to boost the experience of employees. Under such programs, advocates will answer employee queries, help them with different healthcare options and act as financial advisors too. This can save a lot of time and energy for HR professionals. HR managers might also suggest flexible and remote work options, paid family leave and care assistance plans to aid those employees who have elderly or children at home. This way, employees will become more productive and motivated too.
  7. Bridging the gap between aging employees and baby boomers – HR consultants or managers will concentrate on how to bridge the gap in attitudes and ambitions of the next generation of employees and those who are aging. They will try to understand the factors that motivate both Gen X and Y to stick with your company and decide on compensations, rewards and growth opportunities as well.

To conclude, the latest trends in HR management will pave the way for a company culture that is more tech-driven, efficient, employee-focused, flexible and inclusive. And for more guidance and effective implementation of the best practices, you can consult an experienced HR consultant.